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Posts by Richard Kruml:


Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

on May 29, 2024 in Available, Landscapes, New Acquisitions

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Shimotsuke Nikkosan urami no taki, “Back-viewed Waterfall on Mt. Nikko in Shimotsuke [Province].” From a set of 69 prints [Dai Nihon] Rokujuyoshi meisho zue, “Famous Places in the Sixty-odd Provinces [of Japan]” published by Koshihei between 1853 and 1856, this being 1853. Figures gaze up at the back of the waterfall which thunders over the path. It is also known with variant colour schemes. Fine design.


Very fine impression with strong blind-printing on the fall. Fine colour and condition. Full size. Signed Hiroshige ga.


Status: Available


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Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI (1839-1892)

on May 29, 2024 in Available, Beauties, New Acquisitions

Click here to view image full size. Looking Itchy: the appearance of a kept woman of the Kaei era [1848-1854]. Shows a beauty emerging from a mosquito net that has apparently not been entirely successful. From a set Thirty-two Aspects of Women published by Tsunashima Kamekichi, 1888. The set depicts women of different backgrounds and […]


Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI (1839-1892)

Click here to view image full size. Uesugi Kenshin Nyudo Terutora. Shows Uesugi no Terutora (aka Kenshin) riding into battle through clouds of smoke against his long-standing adversary Takeda Shingen. From a set of 33 prints Yoshitoshi musha burui, “Yoshitoshi’s Courageous Warriors.” Published by Kobayashi Tetsujiro between 1883 and 1886, this being 1883. A fine […]


Utagawa KUNIYASU (1794-1832)

on May 29, 2024 in Available, Beauties, New Acquisitions

Click here to view image full size. Shows a beauty after a bath. The poem above compares her to the young green shoots of the willow tree in spring. Published by Omiya Heihachi, c. 1820.     Very good impression, colour and condition. Signed Kuniyasu ga.     Status: Available    


Utagawa KUNIYOSHI (1798-1861)

Click here to view image full size. Cao Cao (Jap. Shuso) and Pang De (Jap. Hotoku) in the Han river during the battle with Guan Yu. From a set of Chinese warrior prints: Tsuzoku sangokushi eiyu no ichinin, “Heroes of the Popular History of the Three Kingdoms.” Published by Joshuya Kinzo, c. 1836. Robinson S10.8 […]


Toyohara KUNICHIKA (1835-1900)

on May 29, 2024 in Actors, Available, New Acquisitions

Click here to view image full size. A diptych showing the actor Ichikawa Danjuro IX as Kamakura Gongoro Kagemasa in the drama Shibaraku, “Just a moment.” The large sansho (three square) motif was the symbol of the Danjuro clan and is repeated around the border. In the background are peonies, also associated with the Danjuro […]


Isoda KORYUSAI (1735-1790)

on May 29, 2024 in Available, Beauties, New Acquisitions

Click here to view image full size. A pillar print, hashira-e, of a beauty after a bath cooling herself with a fan. A cat looks up adoringly from below. Above her is a temple bell wind chime, often hung in the summer. Masanobu laid claim to have invented the pillar print format. Roger Keyes has […]


Utagawa YOSHITORA (1836-1887)

Click here to view image full size. A triptych showing the warrior Inukai Genpachi (the famous character from the Hakkenden) confronting a cat monster which has emanated from a horse on Mount Koshin. Other cat monsters stare in amazement. Published by Kojimaya Jubei, 1850.     Very fine impression. Fine colour. Imperceptible small binding holes, […]


Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI (1839-1892)

Click here to view image full size. A triptych from a set Bidan musha hakkei, “Eight Views of Warriors’ Fine Tales.” This design Togakushi no seiran, “Clearing Weather of the Togakushi Mountains.” Princess Sarashina, who is actually a female oni called Momji, “Maple Leaves,” having transformed herself, is seen screaming from behind a giant drum […]


Utagawa KUNISADA (1786-1865)

on May 29, 2024 in Available, Beauties, New Acquisitions

Click here to view image full size. An untitled triptych showing two beauties and a maidservant lighting their way with a lantern and carrying a shamisen box. The beam of light from the lantern illuminates the foreground figures and a leaping dog but leaves the background figures in silhouette. Published by Mikawaya Seimon, c. mid […]


Utagawa KUNIYOSHI (1797-1861)

on Apr 15, 2024 in Available, Warriors and Legends

Click here to view image full size. A triptych showing Shoguntaro Taira Yoshikado (centre), his sister Takiyasha-hime (left), and Yoshikado’s retainer, Iga Jutaro, watching magic toads wrestling. Huge toads loom above them. Shogun Taro Yoshikado mikata wo atsumen ga tame etc. Takiyasha-hime was known for her toad magic which she had gained from a scroll […]


Utagawa YOSHITSUYA (1822-1866)

on Apr 15, 2024 in Available, Warriors and Legends

Click here to view image full size. A triptych with title Taiheike Yakiyama-Goye no zue, “Picture of the Slope of Burning Mountain in the Taiheiki.” Shows the Japanese Daimyo Sato Masakiyo (Kato Kiyomasa), who was a leading general in Toyotomi Hideyoshi’s invasion of Korea, far left, and his men encountering a monstrous serpent surrounded by […]


Katsukawa SHUN’EI (1762-1819)

on Apr 15, 2024 in Available, Warriors and Legends

Click here to view image full size. Shows the half-Chinese, half-Japanese hero Watonai overcomes a man-eating tiger in China by using a charm from the Ise Shrine. He holds a post with the characters reading Daijinga, “Grand Shrine” used in the inner and outer shrines at Ise. Published by Wakasaya Yoichi (Jakurindo), c 1810. Rare. […]


Keisai EISEN (1790-1848)

on Apr 13, 2024 in Available, Beauties

Click here to view image full size. An amorous couple beside a screen decorated with a large chrysanthemum. From a set of twelve prints Keisei higo, “Secret Words of a Courtesan” published c 1822-25. Although coming under the heading of shunga, each print is an abuna-e design, without any graphic detail. Shows a courtesan with […]


Utagawa KUNISADA (1786-1864)

Click here to view image full size. An original hanshita-e (preparatory drawing) for a triptych showing, from the left, the actor Bando Takesaburo I as Nagoya Sanza, Ichimura Uzaemon XIII as the Shinzo (“courtesan’s apprentice”), and Nakamura Fukusuke I as Fuwa Banzaemon. This is actually from the dance Sanpukutsui Kabuki no irodori performed at the […]


Utagawa KUNIYOSHI (1797-1861)

Click here to view image full size. A fine large original drawing, sumi on thin paper, 12 x 18.5 in; 30.4 x 47 cms. Shows battling women holding what appear to be wooden swords. Two seals at the bottom which appear to be the publisher Honmo who published 1855-56. Provenance: Ex collection Dr. Julius Kurth […]


Shunbaisai HOKUEI (Active 1824-1837)

on Apr 10, 2024 in Actors, Available

Click here to view image full size. Shows the actor Arashi Rikan II as the yako Koman holding a shakuhachi and posed within a wooden frame in the play Sugata kurabe deiri no minato, “Comparison of Fighting Figures at the Harbour.” Performed in 1834 at the Naka Theatre, Osaka. A yako was a chivalrous servant, […]


Utagawa TOYOMARU (SHUNRO II) (Act. 1785-1797)

on Apr 10, 2024 in Actors, Available

Click here to view image full size. The actor Onoe Matsusuke, probably in the role of Matsuo-maru in the play Sugawara denju tenarai kagami. Published c 1780s by Igaya Kan’emon (Bunkido). Fine impression, colour, and condition. Signed Toyomaru ga. Status: Available


Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

on Apr 9, 2024 in Available, Landscapes

Click here to view image full size. Hida, kago-watashi, “Basket Ropeway in Hida [Province]” from a set of 69 prints [Dai Nihon] Rokujuyoshi meisho zue, “Famous Places in the Sixty-odd Provinces [of Japan]” published by Koshihei between 1853 and 1856, this being 1853. Originating in China, Japan and northern India, travellers could cross deep ravines […]


Utagawa HIROSHIGE II (1826-1869)

on Apr 9, 2024 in Available, Landscapes

Click here to view image full size. A view of a smoking Mt Asama, Shinano Province, from Shokoku meisho hyakkei, the “One Hundred Views of Famous Places in the Provinces.” Mt Asama is an active volcano which violently erupted in 1108. Subsequently there was another eruption in 1783 and since then there have been minor […]


Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

on Apr 9, 2024 in Available, Landscapes

Click here to view image full size. Izumo, taisha Hotohoto no zu, “Izuma [Province], Hotohoto Festival at Izumo Shrine.” Shows pilgrims to the oldest Shinto shrine in Japan. A heavy mist scene with the torii gate seen to the right. Every year from the 11th to the 17th day of the 10th lunar month (usually […]


ANONYMOUS (Mid to late 19th century)

on Apr 8, 2024 in Available, Paintings

Click here to view image full size. A fine original painting in muted tones on silk, 43.75 x 16.5 in; 111.2 x 41.9 cms. Shows a vengeful female ghost (yurei) emanating from a ball of fire. She wears a plain white kyokatabira (funeral robe), has long unkept hair and her claw-like hand clutches her skeletal […]


Hishikawa MOROSHIGE (FL. 1684-1704)

on Apr 8, 2024 in Available, Paintings

Click here to view image full size. An original painting showing a high-ranking samurai household at leisure. Moroshige was the senior pupil of Hishikawa Moronobu, and, it is said, was the father of Furuyama Moromasa. Sumi and full colour with gold additions on paper. 11.5 x 19 in; 29 x 48.25 cms. This is most […]


KYOJINSAI (Fl. c 1789-1801)

on Apr 8, 2024 in Available, Paintings

Click here to view image full size. A large and fine original painting by an artist whom I am unable to find in the literature; possibly a pseudonym. Shows a high-ranking courtesan wearing a sumptuous kimono under cherry blossom. Full colour on paper, 49.25 x 20 in; 125 x 51 cms. The calligraphy above is […]


Utagawa TOYOKUNI I (1769-1825)

on Mar 28, 2024 in Available, Surimono

Click here to view image full size. A surimono showing the actor Ichikawa Danjuro II as Soga no Goro Tokimune holding the giant arrow prior to sharpening it on the large wetstone from the play Yanone Goro. From a series of surimono that paid tribute to the various generations of the Danjuro family. There are […]


Tsukioka YOSHITOSHI (1839-1892)

on Mar 27, 2024 in Available, Beauties

Click here to view image full size. Samu-so: Tempo nenkan Fukagawa Nakamachi geisha fuzoku, “Looking Frozen: The Appearance of a Fukagawa Nakamachi Geisha in the Tempo Era [1830-1844].” Shows a beauty caught in a snowstorm, her umbrella laden with snow from a set Thirty-two Aspects of Women published by Tsunashima Kamekichi, 1888. The set depicts […]


Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

on Mar 26, 2024 in Available, Landscapes

Click here to view image full size. Fuchu from The Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido published by Marusei, Maruya Seijiro, 1847-52. Called the Reisho Tokaido because of the angular style of Kanji used. Travellers coming and going at the entrance to the station. One of the best designs from the set. Provenance: Ex Hayashi collection […]


Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

on Mar 26, 2024 in Available, Landscapes

Click here to view image full size. Omi, Biwako Ishiyamadera, “Ishiyama Temple and Lake Biwa in Omi [Province].”From a set of 69 prints [Dai Nihon] Rokujuyoshi meisho zue, “Famous Places in the Sixty-odd Provinces [of Japan]” published by Koshihei between 1853 and 1856, this being 1853. Moonlight on Lake Biwa is one of the iconic […]


Utagawa KUNIYOSHI (1797-1861)

on Mar 25, 2024 in Available, Warriors and Legends

Click here to view image full size. Oiwa and her ghost: Yondaime Ichikawa Kodanji IV no Oiwa bokon, “The Spirit of Oiwa Performed by Ichikawa Kodanji IV.” Probably in the play Atari mimasu yotsuya no kikigaki, performed at the Kawarasaki Theatre, 1848. The popular story has many versions, the gist being that Oiwa’s husband, Kamiya […]


Utagawa KUNIYOSHI (1797-1861)

on Mar 25, 2024 in Available, Warriors and Legends

Click here to view image full size. Inuyama Dosetsu, one of the eight dog heroes, enveloped in a conflagration. The heroes represent a Confucian ideal or Buddhist regulation and meet various adversaries in the epic Nanso satomi hakkenden, “Biography of the Eight Dogs” written by Takizawa Bakin between 1814 and 1842. Dosetsu is gifted with […]


Utagawa KUNIYOSHI (1797-1861)

on Mar 25, 2024 in Available, Warriors and Legends

Click here to view image full size. A triptych showing the famous battle on Gojo Bridge. The story relates how Benkei only needs one more blade to add to the 999 he has wrenched from samurai attempting to cross the bridge in order to fashion an invincible weapon. He meets Ushiwaka Maru (Minamoto no Yoshitsune’s […]


Toyohara KUNICHIKA (1835-1900)

on Mar 24, 2024 in Actors, Available

Click here to view image full size. The actor Nakamura Shikan IV as Ishikawa Hachizaemon in the play Chuko musashi no abumi staged at the Nakamura-za Theatre in 4/1869. From a set of at least 22 prints published by Gusokuya Kahei, 1869. Kunichika was a hack artist who nevertheless produced some fine triptychs (horizontal and […]


Shunchosai HOKUSHU (Active 1822-32)

on Mar 24, 2024 in Actors, Available

Click here to view image full size. Onoe Kikugoro III as the ghost of Oiwa in Irohagana yotsuya kaidan, “Ghost Story of Yotsuya.” Performed at the Kado Theatre, 1/1826. Probably the best known Japanese ghost story and has been made into a number of films. Tamiya Iemon, a masterless samurai, murders the wife he has […]


Shunkosai HOKUEI (FL. 1829-1837)

on Mar 24, 2024 in Actors, Available

Click here to view image full size. A dramatic diptych showing the actor Iwai Shijaku I as Lady Osuma shining her lantern on the actor Bando Jutaro as Sasaya Hanbei from the play Honobonoto ura no asagiri, “Daybreak Hidden on the Bay by Morning Fog.” A revenge drama performed at the Naka no Shibai, Osaka, […]


Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

on Mar 15, 2024 in Available, Landscapes

Click here to view image full size. Nihonbashi yukibare, “The Nihon Bridge, Clear Weather After Snow.” From the set Meisho Edo hyakkei, “One Hundred Views of Edo.” The set published by Uoya Eikichi 1856-58 (this being 1856). The set comprises 118 prints by Hiroshige and another by Hiroshige II. However, three prints are dated 10/1858, […]


Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)

on Mar 15, 2024 in Available, Landscapes

Click here to view image full size. Iyo Province, Saijo. From a set of 69 prints [Dai Nihon] Rokujuyoshu meisho zue, “Famous Places in the Sixty-odd Provinces [of Japan]” published by Koshihei between 1853 and 1856, this being 1853. A large furled sail in the foreground with Saiju village on the water’s edge. Beyond is […]


Ikeda EISEN (1790-1848)

on Mar 14, 2024 in Available, Beauties

Click here to view image full size. Two beauties in front of a mirror, Ada ni torikumite, “Grudge Match” from a set Ukiyo shiju hatte, “Forty-eight Habits of the Floating World.” This was a popular title for sets of prints – especially during the next thirty years. The sub-titles are quite obtuse, whereas in later […]


Katsukawa SHUNSHO II (Active 1818-1830)

on Mar 12, 2024 in Available, Warriors and Legends

Click here to view image full size. Minamoto no Yoshinaka Shitenno to tomoni Kiso no okuyama ni Tengu o taiji su, “Minamoto Yoshinaka and His Four Retainers Defeat the Tengu in the Deep Mountains of Kiso.” Minamoto no Yoshinaka is seen in the centre panel, Higuchi Kanemitsu on the right holding a sword and Imai […]


Utagawa KUNIYOSHI (1797-1861)

on Mar 12, 2024 in Available, Warriors and Legends

Click here to view image full size. Saito Toshimoto nyudo Ryuhon in armour struggling with a Chinese brigand underwater. From the set Taiheiki yeiyuden, “Heroic Stories of the Taiheiki.” A history of the wars of the loyalist Nitta and Kusunoki families against the Ashikaga war-lords during the second quarter of the 14th century. But in […]


Mori SOSEN (1747-1821)

on Mar 11, 2024 in Available, Paintings

Click here to view image full size. A fine surimono-sized painting, light colour on silk, 7.75 x 7 in; 19.5 x 17.8 cms. Shows a female sika deer. His life is not well documented but he is known to have studied under the Kano artist Yamamoto Joshunsai (?-1781) before being drawn into Maruyama Okyo’s (1735-1795) […]