Katsukawa SHUN’EI (1762-1819)

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Shows the half-Chinese, half-Japanese hero Watonai overcomes a man-eating tiger in China by using a charm from the Ise Shrine. He holds a post with the characters reading Daijinga, “Grand Shrine” used in the inner and outer shrines at Ise. Published by Wakasaya Yoichi (Jakurindo), c 1810. Rare.

Fine impression and colour. One small backed edge wormhole, otherwise very good condition. Signed Shun’ei ga

Status: Available

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    Katsukawa SHUN’EI (1762-1819)

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    Shows the hirsute samurai Saito Tadanobu about to strike an adversary with a go board. This was a popular story relating to his death: He was attacked while playing go and used the heavy board to fight off his enemies. Published by Wakasaya Yoichi (Jakurindo), c 1810. Rare.


    Fine impression, colour and condition. Signed Shun’ei ga.


    Status: Sold


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      Katsukawa SHUN’EI (1762-1819)

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      An hosoban portrait of the sumo wrestler Tanikaze Kajinosuke (1750-1795). Possibly the greatest sumo wrestler of all time. He made his debut in 1769 at the age of 19 and went on to record the longest run of 63 consecutive victories, a record that remained unbroken for 150 years. Officially recognised as the fourth yokuzuna and the first to be awarded the title in his lifetime. Published c. 1781. An uncommon subject in hosoban format. Rare.



      Very good impression and colour. A small area of repaired wormage at the top, otherwise very good condition. Signed Shun’ei ga.



      Status: Sold

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        Katsukawa SHUN’EI (1762-1819)

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        The actor Segawa Kikunojo III in an unidentified onnagata role adjusting her hair in a mirror. Shun’ei was a gifted pupil of Katsukawa Shunsho. Designed many hosobans but also some fine bust portraits and was possibly the originator of this type of print. Published by Emiya Kichiemon c early 1790s. (This publisher is said to have been the first to exploit the kento mark for keying blocks.) Another impression is in the MFA Boston, 21.5998.



        Fine impression and colour. Slight toning, otherwise very good condition. Signed Shun’ei ga.



        Status: Sold



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          Katsukawa SHUN’EI

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          An hosoban showing Iwai Hanshiro IV in a “Shibaraku” role, probably as Akita Jonosuke Yoshikage from the play Mieiko nori no hachi no ki performed at the Kawarazaki Theatre in the 11th month, 1791. The highly stylised and dramatic Shibaraku costume gave rise to some of the best ukiyo-e designs. Originally staged by Ichikawa Danjuro I in 1697, it quickly gained popularity and was included in the kaomise celebrations at Edo theatres. Published by Harimaya Shinshichi. Ex Beres collection, sold Paris 2002, lot 39.



          Fine impression, very good colour and condition. Beres seal au verso. Signed Shun’ei ga.



          Status: Sold

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            Katsukawa SHUN’EI (1762-1819)

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            A hosoban diptych complete showing Ichikawa Monnosuke II ( left sheet ) as Soga no Goro and Sawamura Sojuro III ( right sheet ) as Soga no Juro in the play Shunshoku Edo-e Soga performed at the Ichimura-ya in the first month of 1791. Published by Harimaya Shinshichi. Most hosoban multiples have become separated over time.

            Very good impression, colour and condition. Completely untrimmed. Signed Shun’ei ga.

            Status: Sold

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              Katsukawa SHUN’EI (1762-1819)

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              An original Shun’ei brush drawing showing the Soga brothers revenge on Suketsune in his tent. This appears to be a preliminary design for a print illustrated in Ukiyoe meihan, 500 Ukiyoe Masterpieces, no. 85, p. 39 but with the figures facing the other way. The print published by Nishimuraya Yohachi, c. 1798. On thin Japanese paper, 14.75 x 10.5 in, 37.5 x 26.5 cms. Fully signed Shun’ei ga. Sold “as is” with all imperfections. Drawings of this period are rare.

              Status: Sold

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                Katsukawa SHUN’EI (1769-1819)

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                An aizuri-e fan print: Oji from Edo Hakkei. Apparently an unrecorded print.

                Very good impression and colour. Several repaired wormholes at bottom, otherwise good condition. Signed Shunei ga.

                Status: Sold

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                  Katsukawa SHUN’EI (1762-1819)

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                  A parading courtesan with her two kamuro. Published c. late 1790s by Murataya Jirobei (Eiyudo). Unsigned, but the manner of drawing the courtesan’s face is typical of Shun’ei. Interestingly, another unsigned print (with spurious Shunsho signature) but by Shun’ei is illustrated in The Actor’s Image, Clark & Ueda, A.I.C., 1994, no. 130, p. 346, and has the same publisher.


                  Very good impression and colour. Some small expertly restored wormage at left edge, otherwise very good condition.


                  Status: Sold


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                    Katsukawa SHUN’EI (1762-1819)

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                    An extremely rare yellow-ground aiban showing the actor Sawamura Sojuro III in the role of Nagoya Sanza in the play Keisei sanbon karakasa performed at the Miyako-za, 7/1794. In fact Shun’ei designed another print of the same actor and role, see the Walter Amstutz collection, Sothebys, 1991, lot 98. Shun’ei – the originator of the ‘Big Head’ – was something of an eccentric and a great lover of the theatre and sumo.

                    Fine impression with unfaded colour. Slight soil with small backed areas and slight horizontal creases, but generally very good. Signed Shun’ei ga.

                    Status: Sold

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                      Katsukawa SHUN’EI (1762-1819)


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                      The actor Segawa Kikunojo III as Yasukata performing a vigorous hobby-horse dance in Godai Genji mitsugi no furisode. Published by Tsuruya Kiemon c1790-91. Ex Tamba collection (seal bottom right).

                      Very good impression, colour and condition. Signed Shun’ei ga.

                      Status: Sold

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                        Katsukawa SHUNEI (1762-1819)

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                        Iwai Hanshiro IV in a shibaraku role, probably as Akita Jonosuke Yoshikage from the play Mieiko nori no hachi no ki performed at the Kawarazaki Theatre in the 11th month, 1791. Published by Harimaya Shinshichi. Ex Beres collection, sold Paris 2002, lot 39.

                        Fine impression; very good colour. Slight edge thinning and very small nick out of top margin, otherwise very good condition. Signed Shunei ga.

                        Status: Sold

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                          Katsukawa SHUN’EI (1762-1819)

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                          The actor Matsumoto Koshiro IV. One of a rare series of bust portraits, each with the haigo ( poetic ) name and a fanciful title. Here: Kinko and Koraiya. Koshiro was well known as a haiku poet. Published by Iseya Jisuke, c early 1790s. Originally purchased by me at Sothebys, 13/12/1993, lot 12.

                          Very good impression. Slight fading, otherwise very good condition. Full size. Signed Shunei ga.

                          Status: Sold

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