Toyohara KUNICHIKA (1835-1900)
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Ichikawa Danjuro IX as the Chinese pirate from Fuzhou (Fukushu kaizoku) shichiso kanteirei from the set: Shiranui monogatari kanto no hitori. Shiranui monogatari was a picture-book published in three parts from 1849 onwards, written by three authors: Ryukatei Tanekazu, Ryutei Tanehiko II, and Ryusuitei Tanekiyo, with illustrations by Toyokuni III. In 1853 it became the subject of a popular Kabuki play. Published by Kobayashi Tetsujiro, 1879. A rare set.
Very fine impression, colour and condition with extensive burnishing. Signed Toyohara Kunichika ga.
Status: Sold