Nagasawa ROSETSU (1754-1799)

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An original fan painting, sumi on treated paper, 17 x 6.25 in; 43 x 16 cms. Shows two needlefish (family Belonidae).Rosetsu is considered one of the most important artists of the late Edo period but little is known of his short life – he died at forty-five, apart from the fact that he studied and was one of the top disciples of Maruyama Okyo. He is labelled an “eccentric” painter as he defies easy classification. His brushwork is a tour de force and he is known for his expressive depictions of animals. Signed Rosetsu with his Gyo (fish) seal. Framed and glazed with the fan mounted onto Japanese paper. Good condition, apart from the obvious fan folds.


Status: Available


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