Eishosai CHOKI (Active c 1780–1810)
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An elegant young entertainer beside her samisen box. Top left is a ballad that she presumably sang. While producing some mundane work, Choki also designed some of the most exquisite ukiyoe. Extremely rare: Another impression is illustrated in the Catalogue of Inaugural Exhibition of Riccar Art Museum, no. 42 and a second example is in the Tokyo National Museum, illustrated in A Treasury Of Japanese Wood Block Prints, Sadao Kikuchi, 1968, no. 640. Published by Tsuruya Kiemon, c 1795. Ex collection Walter von Scheven, 1878 – 1950, and purchased by him at Alfred Kappes, Ludwigshafen in 1925.
Fine impression. Very slight fading and minor fold marks, otherwise very good condition. Signed Choki ga.
Status: Sold
Eishosai CHOKI (Fl. c 1756-1808)
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The lovers Okiku and Yosuke play cat’s cradle. ( A children’s game in which two players alternately take from each other’s fingers an intertwined cord so as always to produce a symmetrical figure.) Published c 1804 by Takatsuya Isuke. A similar print with same signature and publisher is illustrated in Sadao Kikuchi, A Treasury of Japanese Wood Block Prints, 1963, ill. No. 644 ( from the Tokyo National Museum ). I cannot, at the present moment, locate another impression of this design. Choki prints are rare and his finest designs are the most prized possessions of any collection. Ex collection Sidney C. Ward.
Very good impression with extremely good colour. Light grey ground. The cutting and colouring of the pattern on the boy’s kimono is particularly fine. Minor creases, otherwise extremely good condition. On heavy hosho. Signed [ Momogawa ] Shiko ga.
Status: Sold