Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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A view of the beautiful peninsula of Izu, Izu no sanchu, “In the Mountains of Izu Province” from Fuji sanjurokkei, the “Thirty-six Views of Fuji.” The set published by Tsutaya Kichizo, 1858. This area is about 100 km southwest of Tokyo and a popular place to visit.
Very fine impression and colour. Trimmed close bottom left, otherwise fine condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Sukiya embankment in snow, Toto Sukiya-gashi, from Fuji sanjurokkei, the “Thirty-six Views of Fuji.” The set published by Tsutaya Kichizo, 1858. The rampart on the inner side of the moat of Edo Castle on the right. Figures cross a bridge leading to Sukiya Gate. In the distance the long outer walls of the main residence of the Nabeshima Clan of Saga. Fuji on the horizon.
Very fine impression and colour. A very small repaired wormhole in top right margin, otherwise fine condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Suruga Miho no Matsubara, “Miho no Matsubara in Suruga Province” from Fuji sanjurokkei, the “Thirty-six Views of Fuji.” The set published by Tsutaya Kichizo, 1858. Shows the renowned pine trees with a majestic Fuji below a yellow sky. Many of these pines are now hundreds of years old.
Very fine impression, colour and condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Men punting rafts on the Sagami River from Fuji sanjurokkei, the “Thirty-six Views of Fuji.” The set published by Tsutaya Kichizo, 1858.This print was included in the background of the famous 1887 portrait of Pere Tanguy by Vincent Van Gogh. The river was sometimes referred to as the Ayu River because of the (then) abundance of sweetwater fish (ayu).
Very fine impression, colour and condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Keisai EISEN (1790-1848)
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The Sumida River in snow from a series of views of the Koto Ward of Edo. This area was bounded by the Sumida to the west and the Arakawa to the east. Shows travellers being ferried across the river. No publisher or date given.
Very good impression, colour and condition.
Status: Sold
Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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A triptych, Shinshu Sarashina tagoro no tsuki, “The Moon Reflected in the Rice Fields at Sarashina, Shinano Province.” Shows a group of women and two Buddhist monks admiring the phenomenon. The Japanese seem to have had a fascination with the full moon and especially Hiroshige who incorporated it into many prints. This fascination would have been multiplied viewing the many reflected moons in the paddy fields. In fact, Hiroshige designed two other prints on this subject, see his Honcho meisho set, c 1840 and the Rokujuyoshu meisho zue set, 1853-6. Published by Tsutaya Kichizo, 1853. Extremely rare.
Very fine impression with strong woodgrain evident. Fine colour and condition. Full size. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE ( 1797-1858 )
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Fujikawa, Aichi Prefecture, from the so-called “Upright Tokaido”, Gojusan tsugi meisho zue. The 37th of the 53 Stations. At its peak in Edo times the town had 302 buildings. It is now part of Okazaki City. The old adage that familiarity breeds contempt certainly applies to this set, which was reprinted many times. Early printings, as here, enable us to appreciate this underrated series. One of the two snow scenes from the set showing figures entering the village. Published by Tsutaya, 1855.
Very good impression, colour and condition. Signed Ichiryusai Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Katsushika HOKUSAI (1760-1849)
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A summer night on the Sumida river, Edo, illustrating a poem by the 9th – 10th century poet Kiyowara no Fukayabu. From the set: Hyakunin isshu uba ga etoki. “The Hundred Poems by a Hundred Poets Explained by a Nurse. Twenty seven published designs are known for this set with another sixty two preparatory drawings extant. The set was curtailed probably due to the adverse economic climate at the time. It was started by the publisher Nishimuraya Yohachi (Eijudo) who published five, c 1835-6, and then taken over by Iseya Sanjiro (another Eijudo) who published the other twenty two. This design might be the first of the Iseya Sanjiro prints as it has the word shimpan on the lanterns meaning “new.” Shows a large boat, left. Probably a floating restaurant with another smaller vessel in the centre purveying food.
Fine impression. Slight fading of the red block. Fine condition. Signed Zen Hokusai manji.
Status: Sold
Utagawa HIROSHIGE II (1826-1869)
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Shinshu Asama-yama shinkei, “A True View of Mount Asama in Shinano Province.” From Shokoku meisho hyakkei, “One Hundred Famous Views in the Various Provinces.” The set published by Uoya Eikichi, 1859-61 (this being 1859). Shows the volcano emitting a huge plume of smoke. (This is termed an active complex volcano with major eruptions in 1108 and 1783 and many minor eruptions and tremors since.)
Superb impression and colour of the first edition. Repaired binding holes in left margin, otherwise fine condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Utagawa HIROSHIGE II (1826-1869)
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A true view of Muro Harbour in Harima Province, Banshu Muro-no-tsu, from Shokoku meisho hyakkei, “One Hundred Famous Views in the Various Provinces.” The set published by Uoya Eikichi, 1859-61 (this being 1859).
Superb impression of the first edition. Fine colour. Small backed binding holes in right margin, otherwise fine condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Keisai EISEN (1790-1848)
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The bridge over the Ina River at Nojiri, Nojiri Inagawabashi enkei, from Kisokaido rokujukyutsugi no uchi , “Sixty-Nine Stations of the Kisokaido.” The set of seventy prints was published by Hoeido in 1835, but in 1837 Hiroshige took over and completed the series with the publisher Iseya Rihei (Kinjudo). The conjecture is that Hiroshige was the better known and more commercial artist, reinforced by the fact that Eisen’s name was removed from the designs already published. Hence only the first editions have his signature on those prints. Shows the cascade beneath the bridge, the underside of which resembles Mount Fuji. Top left, just visible in the mist, are the steps leading to the Kiyomizu Temple of Kiso. (Now a world heritage site, famous for the wooden stage jutting out over the mountainside supported by 139 12-meter high keyaki wood pillars.) One of the best designs from the set. Provenance: Ex Grabhorn collection.
Fine impression. Extremely rare in this early printing: There are a number of different states with alternative colouring to the hills, variant gradation below the falls, losing the blue mountains in the distance and without the flight of geese behind the bridge. Only the first edition has the geese, the blue mountains and the Eisen signature (as here). Fine colour. Margins trimmed a little, otherwise very good condition. Signed Keisai ga.
Status: Sold
Katsushika HOKUSAI (1760-1849)
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Onden no suisha, “Waterwheel at Onden” from the set Fugaku sanju-rokkei, the “Thirty-Six Views of Fuji.” The series published by Eijudo between 1829-33 and extended to forty six prints. These extra designs have a black outline, whereas the first thirty six have blue outlines in the early editions and then black. Shows the mill with men carrying bags of rice to be milled. A woman washes vegetables, another carries a tub and a small child drags a terrapin. Onden was on the Shibuya river, between Harajuko and Aoyama. (The river now hidden from view under the concrete sprawl of Tokyo.) Evidently waterwheels dotted the area powered by the Shibuya river.
Fine impression and colour. (Collectors are often unaware that designs from this set are faded: The yellow part of the green fades, leaving blue. And because there are designs that are only printed in blue or are blue in the early states, they accept them as unfaded.) Trimmed left and top and slight centre fold, otherwise very good condition. Signed Zen Hokusai I-itsu hitsu.
Status: Sold
Katsushika HOKUSAI (1760-1849)
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Kozuke Sano funabashi no kozu, “Old View of the Pontoon Bridge at Sano, Kozuke Province.” From a set of eleven prints, Shokoku meikyo kiran, “Wondrous Views of Famous Bridges in All the Provinces.” A snow scene showing travellers, one on horseback, traversing the pontoon bridge built of boats. Published by Nishimuraya Yohachi, 1831-2.
Very good impression. Some slight fading. Very good condition. Full size. Signed Zen Hokusai Iitsu hitsu.
Status: Sold
Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Echikawa from Kisokaido rokujukyutsugi no uchi, “Sixty-Nine Stations of the Kisokaido.” The set of seventy prints was started by Eisen and published by Hoeido in 1835, but in 1837 Hiroshige took over and completed the series with the publisher Iseya Rihei (Kinjudo). Shows the Echi river with a trestle bridge crossing it. In the foreground a laden oxen being led and two peripatetic priests.
Fine impression and colour. Imperceptible centre fold, otherwise very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Sagamigawa, “The Sagami River” Sagami Province. Rafts being poled down the river with tall water reeds and herons from Fuji sanjurokkei, “Thirty-six Views of Fuji” published by Tsutaya Kichizo, 1858. This set was started 5 months before Hiroshige’s death. Early impressions, as here, were printed very carefully as a tribute to Hiroshige. One of the six best designs from the set.
Fine, early impression. Perfect colour. Imperceptible centre fold, otherwise fine condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Keisai EISEN (1764-1824)
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Itahana from Kisokaido rokujukyutsugi no uchi, “Sixty-Nine Stations of the Kisokaido.” The set of seventy prints was started by Eisen and published by Hoeido in 1835, but in 1837 Hiroshige took over and completed the series with the publisher Iseya Rihei (Kinjudo). One of the best designs from the set. This design is never signed, even, as here, on the first edition. Rare.
Fine impression and colour. This is the first edition with gradation on the river and the river bank. Fine condition.
Status: Sold
Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Suruga Miho no Matsubara. Shows the famous Pine Beech, Suruga Province. from Fuji sanjurokkei, “Thirty-six Views of Fuji” published by Tsutaya Kichizo, 1858. This was considered to offer one of the best views of Fuji.The set was started 5 months before Hiroshige’s death. Early impressions, as here, were printed very carefully as a tribute to Hiroshige. One of the six best designs from the set.
Fine, early impression. Perfect colour. Imperceptible centre fold and small soil in bottom right margin, otherwise fine condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Kai Otsukinohara, the Otsuki Plain in Kai Province. A meandering stream with flowers and pampas grass from Fuji sanjurokkei, “Thirty-six Views of Fuji” published by Tsutaya Kichizo, 1858. This set was started 5 months before Hiroshige’s death. Early impressions, as here, were printed very carefully as a tribute to Hiroshige. One of the six best designs from the set.
Fine, early impression. Perfect colour. Imperceptible centre fold, otherwise fine condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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The compound of the Tenman Shrine at Kameido, Kameido Tenmangu keidai no yuki. The best design from a Toto meisho set of 21 prints published by Kikakudo (Sanoki) c 1832-5 and then extended to 55 in c. 1839-42. Also one of the best known places in Edo with the Drum Bridge, koi ponds and wisteria which flowered in the Fifth Month. The main shrine is dedicated to the memory of Sugawara no Michizane (Tenjin), the father of Japanese learning and built in 1662. Hiroshige shows the shrine in winter under falling snow.
Fine early impression with the red publisher’s seal in right margin (later editions having the black seal of Sanoki). These later editions have a black sky and a block defect appears at the edge of the pond centre left. Fine colour. Small restoration bottom left corner, otherwise very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Musashi Tamagawa, “Tama River, Musashi” Musashi Province. A view from Koganei with flowering cherry trees from Fuji sanjurokkei, “Thirty-six Views of Fuji” published by Tsutaya Kichizo, 1858. This set was started 5 months before Hiroshige’s death. Early impressions, as here, were printed very carefully as a tribute to Hiroshige. One of the six best designs from the set.
Fine, early impression. Perfect colour. Imperceptible centre fold, otherwise fine condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Utagawa KUNIYOSHI (1797-1861)
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The Shin Yoshiwara from a Toto meisho “Famous Views of the Eastern Capital” set of 10 prints published by Kagaya Kichibei, c. 1831. The “Shin” or “New” Yoshiwara was so named after its relocation after a fire in 1657. It can be seen in the distance. In the foreground are late night travellers on the Nihon embankment. The scene is dominated by the moon and its huge halo. The set uses Europeanised elements, most evident in his landscape prints as well as a few other series and some surimono. Extremely rare.
Fine impression and colour. Another state has a line printed around the moon. The green border intact which is rare on this set as it is often trimmed, sometimes completely. Slight soil, otherwise very good condition. Signed Ichiyusai Kuniyoshi ga.
Status: Sold
Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Two tanzaku prints from a Toto meisho “Famous Places of the Eastern Capital” set that were printed two-to-a-sheet. They were cut down the middle but in this case the two prints were kept together which is extremely rare. On the left: Kanda Myoujin, “Kanda Shrine.” On the right: Shiba Akabane Zojoji, “Shiba Akabane Zojoji Temple.” Published c 1840.
Very good impression, colour and condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Izu no sanchu, “In the Mountains, Izu” the Joren Falls flow down between hills from Fuji sanjurokkei, “Thirty-six Views of Fuji” published by Tsutaya Kichizo, 1858. This set was started 5 months before Hiroshige’s death. Early impressions, as here, were printed very carefully as a tribute to Hiroshige. One of the six best designs from the set.
Fine, early impression. Perfect colour. Imperceptible centre fold, otherwise fine condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Shiba Zojoji setchu, “Snow at Zojoji Temple” from a set Edo meisho mitu no nagame, “Three Special Views of Edo” published by Uoya Eikichi, c 1840-42. The temple, together with Kan’ei-ji, was the Tokugawa’s family temple. Rare.
Fine impression, colour and condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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The compound of the Tenman Shrine at Kameido, Kameido Tenmangu keidai no yuki. The best design from a Toto meisho set of 21 prints published by Kikakudo (Sanoki) c 1832-5 and then extended to 55 in c. 1839-42. Also one of the best known places in Edo with the Drum Bridge, koi ponds and wisteria which flowered in the Fifth Month. The main shrine is dedicated to the memory of Sugawara no Michizane (Tenjin), the father of Japanese learning and built in 1662. Hiroshige shows the shrine in winter under falling snow.
Fine early impression with the red publisher’s seal in right margin (later editions having the black seal of Sanoki). These later editions have a black sky and a block defect appears at the edge of the pond centre left. Fine colour. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Soshu Enoshima Benzaiten kaicho mode Hongu Iwaya no zu, “Pilgrimage to the Cave Shrine of Benzaiten on Enoshima.” A triptych showing the back view of the island (the causeway being on the other side) with the Iwaya cave on the right. Groups of women from Edo schools of narrative chanting are seen with umbrellas (Benzaiten was a deity associated with music). The statue was displayed once every six years. Published by Sumiyoshi Masagoro, 1851.
Fine impression. Very good colour. Fine condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Midono from Kisokaido rokujukyutsugi no uchi , “Sixty-Nine Stations of the Kisokaido.” The set of seventy prints was published by Hoeido in 1835, but in 1837 Hiroshige took over and completed the series with the publisher Iseya Rihei (Kinjudo). The conjecture is that Hiroshige was the better known and more commercial artist, reinforced by the fact that Eisen’s name was removed from the designs already published. Hence only the first editions have his signature on those prints. Shows travellers in a field of pampas grass and a farm worker with a hoe to the left. On the hill above are torii gates leading to a Shinto shrine. The area here opens out after the narrow Kiso valley and is popular with walkers today. Provenance: Ex Grabhorn collection.
Fine impression of the earliest state with bokashi on the brow of the hill. Fine colour. Slight centre fold, otherwise very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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A snow scene: Atago shita yabukoji, “Bamboo Lane Below Atago Hill” from Edo meisho hyakkei, “The Hundred Famous Views of Edo”. Published by Uoya Eikichi between Ansei 3 and 5 (1856-58). This design dated Dragon 12 (1856). The large building on the left housed the daimyo’s servants and retainers.
Very good impression and colour. Small backed wormhole in top margin, otherwise very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE ( 1797-1858 )
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Noji Tama River in Omi Province with a poem by Minamoto no Toshiyori from the series of six prints Shokoku Mutamagawa , “Six Jewel Rivers in the Provinces.” Shows a nobleman and attendants admiring the moon’s reflection. The set published by Maruya Kyushiro 11/1857.
Very fine impression. Fine colour. Trimmed on black border at bottom, otherwise fine condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Katsushika HOKUSAI (1760-1849)
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A surimono, Hara, from an untitled Tokaido set, generally called the Surimono Tokaido. Published in 1804 for a kyoka club. There are 59 prints in the set; 8 being in this horizontal tanzaku format, the rest being koban size. This is the very rare first edition with the kyoka poems. In the second edition, also in 1804, the poems are left out. There is also a third edition in 1805 and a fourth in the 1840s where these tanzaku designs were replaced by koban prints designed by Hokusai’s pupil Yanagawa Shigenobu. Shows travellers admiring Fuji.
Very fine impression. Fine colour and condition. Signed Gakyojin Hokusai ga.
Status: Sold
Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Kambara, yoru no yuki, “Night Snow at Kambara” from Tokaido gojusan tsugi no uchi, “Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido Road.” The set published by Hoeido (Takenouchi Magohachi)/Senkakudo, c. 1833-4. One of Hiroshige’s most celebrated designs, discussed and illustrated extensively. This is the very rare first edition: The sky is graded down from the top and the last figure on the right has the uncleared wood evident on the legs. This mistake was soon rectified but in doing so the block cutter made a small break above the knee. Probably the earliest state of the first edition has a blue tint to the gradation on the distant hills: See the Honolulu Academy of Arts impression, 15.927. Kambara owes a lot to Hiroshige’s imagination as it doesn’t resemble any place near there. Also, Kambara has little snow, yet it remains one of Hiroshige’s most iconic images.
Fine impression of the first edition with subtle gradation on the roofs of the houses and elsewhere. Seals a little faded, otherwise very good colour. Slight centre fold, otherwise very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Harima Maiko no hama, “Maiko Beach Harima Province” from Rokujuyoshu meisho zue, “Famous Views of the Sixty-odd Provinces.” Shows the beach with the famous pine forest stretching down to the water. Published by Koshihei, 1853-6, this being 1853.
Fine impression of the first edition. Slight fading, otherwise very good colour. Fine condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Shono, haku-u, “Sudden Shower at Shono” from Tokaido gojusan tsugi no uchi, “Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido Road.” The set published by Hoeido (Takenouchi Magohachi)/Senkakudo, c. 1833-4. Together with Kambara, one of Hiroshige’s most celebrated designs, discussed and illustrated extensively. This is the very rare first edition: The waves of bamboo beautifully graded and strong woodgrain evident on the house roofs bottom right. See Sebastian Izzard, Hiroshige, The Ukiyo-e Society of America, 1983, nos. 17a-e for illustrations and a description of the various states. Although the area had thick groves of bamboo growing along the Suzuka River, there was nowhere that exactly matches the design.
Fine impression of the first edition with subtle gradation. Seals and green a little faded, otherwise very good colour. Slight centre fold, otherwise very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Hakone, kosui, “Hakone, the Lake” from Tokaido gojusan tsugi no uchi, “Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido Road.” The set published by Hoeido (Takenouchi Magohachi)/Senkakudo, c. 1833-4. A line of travellers – presumably the deputation of the Edo Shogunate going to Kyoto – making its way down a precipitous path on the right in this mountainous region. This is the very rare first edition: An extremely difficult design to find in early impression as the jigsaw of colours on the mountains need to be perfectly keyed to work.
Fine impression. The red a little faded, otherwise very good colour. Slight centre fold, otherwise very good condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Station Karuizawa from Kisokaido rokujukyo tsugi no uchi, the “Sixty-nine Stations of the Kiso Kaido.” A night scene after the autumn harvest and the stubble is being burned. In the background the village and Mt Asama in the distance. A traveller stops to get his pipe lit by another traveller illuminated by the light cast from his lantern. Another traveller stoops to light his pipe from one of the bonfires. Published by Hoeido (Takenouchi Magohachi)/Kinjudo (Iseya Rihei), c. 1838. The lantern is inscribed Iseri (for Iseya Rihei) and their mon is partially seen on the saddlecloth of the horse. On later editions this seal was removed. The first edition of this design has a Takenouchi seal to the left of the inscription top centre.
Fine impression. Very good colour and condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Oji, Fudo no taki, “Fudo Waterfall, Oji” from Meisho Edo hyakkei, “One Hundred Famous Views of Edo.” The set published by Uoya Eikichi between 1856 and 1859 (this being 1857). Waterfalls were a pleasant way of getting relief from the summer heat. Japan has many hundreds of waterfalls but a considerable number are in remote areas. The government has compiled a list of 100. This is the rare first edition with strong wood-grain and mica applied to the waterfall. Provenance: Purchased from me in 1989.
Very fine impression. Fine colour and condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Echizen Yunoo toge, “Yunoo Pass in Echizen Province” from a set of twenty prints Sankai mitate zumo, “Wrestling Matches Between Mountains and Sea.” Ten prints showing mountain scenes and ten sea scenes (actually harbours). Published by Yamadaya Shojiro, 1858. The title is in a wrestling umpire’s fan. This is the first edition with variegated colour in this fan. The second edition has the fan printed in red only (see BM impression, 1915, 0823,0.152.7).
Fine impression and colour. Slight centre fold, otherwise fine condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Utagawa HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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Fukagawa, Suzaki, juman-tsubo, “The One Hundred Thousand Tsubo Plain, Suzaki, Fukagawa” from Meisho Edo hyakkei, “One Hundred Famous Views of Edo.” The set published by Uoya Eikichi between 1856 and 1859 (this being 1857). An eagle hovers over the snowy coastal plain, Mt Tsukuba and the Chiba mountains in the distance.
Very good impression, colour and condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE (1797-1858)
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The Lumberyard, Fukagawa, from Meisho Edo hyakkei, “The Hundred Views of Famous Places in Edo.” Shows snow falling on the timber yards lining a river. An umbrella in the foreground is inscribed Uo, “Fish” – a reference to the publisher Uoya Eikichi who published the set between 1856 – 1858 (this being 1856). There are 118 prints in the set plus a replacement design by Hiroshige II (see elsewhere on this update). A large supply of timber was needed for the world’s largest wooden city. However, in 1641 a fire destroyed not only houses but the lumber which was then stored in a central area causing the government to move the yards to Fukagawa.
Very good early impression (later editions have a dark sky). Very good colour and condition. Signed Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold
Utagawa HIROSHIGE II (1826-1869)
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Akasaka kiribatake uchu sekikei, “Evening View of the Paulownia Grove at Akasaka in the Rain.” The replacement print for the Meisho Edo hyakkei “The Hundred Views of Famous Places in Edo” after 1858 probably because the blocks were damaged, and a superior design to Hiroshige’s. Published by Uoya Eikichi, 1859.
Very good impression. (The same impression as is illustrated in Ukiyo-e Taikei, XVI, 48-2.) Fine colour. Very small binding holes in margin, otherwise fine condition. Signed Nisei (the second) Hiroshige ga.
Status: Sold