Toyohara KUNICHIKA (1835-1900)

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An original hanshita-e drawing showing an actor with sword raised and voluminous red hair. Sumi and red on thin paper, image size 11.5 x 5.75 in, 30 x 14.5 cms. For a series of designs contained within a hagoita ( wooden paddles used to play the New Year hanetsuki game ). Numerous indications for the printer on the colours to be used. In good condition.

Status: Sold

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    Toyohara KUNICHIKA (1835-1900)

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    Suketakaya Takasuke IV as Inuzuka Shino on the roof of the pavilion Horyukaku fighting Kenpachi. A fine set based on Bakin’s Hakkenden, entitled “A Parody of the Hakkenden” published by Fukuda Kumajiro, 1883. A rare series that shows, even at this late date, there are flashes of brilliance.

    Very fine impression of the first de-luxe edition with silver and beautiful bokashi. Fine colour and condition. Full size. Signed Yasohachi Kunichika hitsu.

    Status: Sold

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      Toyohara KUNICHIKA (1835-1900)

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      Nakamura Shikan II as Inuyama Dosetsu battling with Inukai Kenpachi. A fine set based on Bakin’s Hakkenden entitled “A Parody of the Hakkenden” published by Fukuda Kumajiro, 1883. A rare series that shows, even at this late date, there are flashes of brilliance.

      Very fine impression of the first de-luxe edition with extensive burnishing and silver. Fine colour and condition. Full size. Signed Yasohachi Kunichika hitsu.

      Status: Sold

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        Toyohara KUNICHIKA (1835-1900)

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        Aoi, Chapter 9, from Genji goju-shi jo, a parody series of the tale of Genji ( ie the 54 Chapters of Genji Monogatari, a 10th century romance by Murasaki-Shikibu. ) Shows ama, female divers, collecting awabi, “abalone”, on the coast of Ise. This is the best design from the set and was a popular subject with ukiyo-e artists as the women were considered quite risqué for obvious reasons. Published by Takekawa Seikichi, Meiji 17 ( 1884 ).

        Fine impression, colour and condition. Signed Toyohara Kunichika fude.

        Status: Sold

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          Toyohara KUNICHIKA (1835-1900)

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          A wonderful album of 12 spontaneous drawings to show his mastery of the usual gamut of subjects covered by ukiyoe artists: Shibaraku; The Wind God; Daikoku; Asahina; bijin sleeping; Daruma; Tametomo ?; Hotei; a monkey with it’s lead; a storm dragon; a peasant girl watching a cuckoo against the moon, and Kagekiyo breaks prison. This is the sort of item that, if one were lucky, could be bought occasionally in Japan years ago, but which seems to have disappeared. It also reveals how good Kunichika could be. An artist who carried on the traditional woodblock form into the Meiji period. Sumi and full colour on paper, 6.5 x 7.75 inches; 16.6 x 19.8 cms. Some slight repaired wormage, otherwise good condition. Guaranteed at the end as by Kunichika by Eisai Fukunaga Kimiyoshi and dated Taisho 13 ( 1924 )

          Status: Sold

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            Toyohara KUNICHIKA (1835-1900)

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            A vigorous original preparatory drawing by Kunichika for an aiban shunga print. Sumi on thin tissue with extensive pentimenti ( giving an alternative position for the female ). Such shunga drawings are rare.

            Status: Sold

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              Toyohara KUNICHIKA (1835-1900)


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              A vertical diptych showing Onoe Kikugoro V as Nikki Danjo transforming himself by majic into a rat. In his mouth the stolen will with which he was trying to strip Tsuru-chiyo of his inheritance. Title of play: Meibuku Sendai hagi, “The Disputed Succession.” Published by Fukuda Kumajiro, 1887. Rare.

              Fine impression. Very good colour. Some burnishing. Slight offsetting and oxidation. Retains original album backing. Signed Toyohara Kunichika hitsu.

              Status: Sold

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                Toyohara KUNICHIKA (1835-1900)


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                A vertical diptych depicting the story of the Inaba Apprentice. Title: Inaba ama-yobanashi. Shows Onoe Kikugoro V as the ghost of Saijiro; Bando Kakitsu as Kanbara Mikinosuke and Onoe Matsukuke as Nakama Gonbee. Published by Fukuda Kumajiro, 1887. Extremely rare.

                Fine impression and colour. Hand-applied pigment to the head of the ghost. Some silver and burnishing. Retains original album backing. Signed Oju Toyohara Kunichika hitsu.

                Status: Sold

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                  Toyohara KUNICHIKA (1835-1900)


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                  A vertical diptych showing the actor Onoe Kikugoro V, dagger in hand and covered in blood, confronting a giant serpent. Published by Fukuda Kumajiro, 1887. Extremely rare.

                  Fine impression and colour. Extensive mica applied to the serpent. Retains original album backing. Signed Oju Toyohara Kunichika hitsu.

                  Status: Sold

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                    Toyohara KUNICHIKA (1835-1900)


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                    A vertical diptych showing the actors Ichikawa Danjuro as the teacher Kondo Tatsuo and Ichikawa Sadanji as Mikura Tomizo. Title: Kishu no oki kisen chinbotsu no ba, “ Sunken Ship in the Sea off Kishu Province.” Published by Fukuda Kumajiro, Meiji 20, 11th month ( 1887 ).

                    Fine impression and colour. Extensive mica and gofun applied. Retains original album backing. Signed Oju Toyohara Kunichika hitsu.

                    Status: Sold

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                      Toyohara KUNICHIKA ( 1835-1900 )

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                      A vertical diptych showing the actor Onoe Kikugoro V in the role of Komamonoya Saijiro, “Saijiro of the haberdashery store,” fighting a giant serpent in the play Inaba Kozo ame no yobanashi performed at the Nakamura-za theatre in 11/1887. Published by Fukuda Kumajiro in 1887. Evidently the actor was swallowed whole during this scene ! An extremely rare print.

                      Fine impression and colour. Extensive mica on the serpent’s head and body. This is the only impression of this design I have seen retaining the publication details in the left margin ( albeit even here slightly trimmed ). Very good condition. Ample margin for joining the two sheets.  Signed Oju Toyohara Kunichika hitsu.

                      Status: Sold

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                        Utagawa KUNICHIKA (1835-1900)

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                        A young girl seated to have her photograph taken, the plate camera with dark cloth draped over, to the right. From a series Kaika ninjo kagami, “A Mirror of Modern Manners and Customs, ” sub-title “Photographs.” Photography took off quickly in Japan and there were a considerable number of photographic studios in Tokyo in the 1870’s. However, there are only a few prints as early as this showing cameras. Published 1878.

                        Very fine impression with extensive burnishing. Fine colour. Minor trimming and light album backing. Signed Toyohara Kunichika fude.

                        Status: Sold

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                          Toyohara KUNICHIKA (1835-1900)

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                          The actor Ichikawa Sandanji I as Akiyama Kiimori holding a sword amidst a conflagration. Yakiuchi no ba from a set Meijiza Shinkyogen, “New Plays for the Meiji Theatre.” Although the play is unidentified the house in the background has been set on fire in an attempt to capture the hero Kiimori. Kunichika’s best print in this genre. Published by Akiyama Buemon, 1894.

                          Fine impression and colour. Light album backing, otherwise fine condition. Signed Toyohara Kunichika hitsu.

                          Status: Sold

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                            Utagawa KUNICHIKA (1835-1900)

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                            A young girl seated to have her photograph taken, the plate camera with dark cloth draped over, to the right. From a series Kaika ninjo kagami, “A Mirror of Modern Manners and Customs,” sub-title “Photographs.” Photography took off quickly in Japan and there were a considerable number of photographic studios in Tokyo in the 1870’s. However, there are only a few prints as early as this showing cameras. Published 1878.

                            Very fine impression with extensive burnishing. Fine colour. Minor trimming and light album backing. Signed Toyohara Kunichika fude.

                            Status: Sold

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                              Toyohara KUNICHIKA (1835-1900)

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                              The actor Ichikawa Danjuro IX in shibaraku role. A fine triptych, Kabuki juhachiban no uchi/shibaraku, “The Eighteen Famous Kabuki Plays: Shibaraku.” Published by Fukuda Kumajiro, 8/1895.

                              Fine impression, colour and condition. Signed Oju Kunichika hitsu.

                              Status: Sold

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                                Toyohara KUNICHIKA (1835-1900)

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                                A triptych showing Danjuro IX as Yanone (arrowhead) Goro (Soga Goro). Published 1882 by Kamiyama Seishichi. Poem by Sansho the 9th (Danjuro).


                                Very good impression and colour. Slight trimming, otherwise very good condition. Signed Oju (“by special request”) Toyohara Kunichika hitsu.


                                Status: Sold

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                                  Utagawa KUNIYOSHI (1798-1861)

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                                  Satomi Jibu-no-taifu Yoshizane, a daimyo in control of Takita Castle from Satomi Hakkenden, the eight heroes of Bakin’s novel Hakkenden. Published by Mikawa-ya Tetsugoro, c 1849-51. See the Kunichika triptych of the same subject on this current selection.

                                  Very good impression, colour and condition. Signed Ichiryusai Kuniyoshi ga.

                                  Status: Sold

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                                    Utagawa KUNIYOSHI (1798-1861)

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                                    A complete diptych showing Inuzuka Shino and Inukai Kempachi on the Horyukaku roof from Satomi Hakkenden, the eight heroes of Bakin’s novel Hakkenden. Published by Mikawa-ya Tetsugoro, c 1849-51. See the Kunichika triptych of the same subject on this current selection. Rare complete.

                                    Very good impression, colour and condition. Signed Ichiryusai Kuniyoshi ga.

                                    Status: Sold

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                                      ( A to Z )

                                      Kyogado ASHIKUNI ( Fl. c. 1807 – 1818 )
                                      Gigado ASHIYUKI ( Fl. c. 1814 – 1833 )

                                      Ki BAITEI ( 1734 – 1810 )
                                      Takizawa BAKIN ( 1767 – 1848 )
                                      Ono BAKUFU ( 1888 – 1976 )
                                      Georges BIGOT ( 1860 – 1927 )
                                      Kawamura BUMPO ( 1779 – 1821 )
                                      Ippitsusai BUNCHO ( Fl. c. 1765 – 1792 )

                                      Toyohara CHIKANOBU ( 1838 – 1912 )
                                      Kishi CHIKUDO ( 1826 – 1897 )
                                      Tsubaki CHINZAN ( 1801 – 1854 )
                                      Eishosai CHOKI ( Fl. c. 1756 – 1808 ). See also SHIKO

                                      Rekisentei EIRI ( Fl. c. 1790 – 1800 )
                                      Keisai EISEN ( 1790 – 1848 )
                                      Hosoda EISHI ( 1756 – 1829 )
                                      Hosoda EISHO ( Fl. c. 1780 – 1800 )
                                      Ichirakutei EISUI ( Fl. c. 1790 – 1823 )
                                      Kikugawa EIZAN ( 1787 – 1867 )

                                      Hirano HAKUHO ( 1879 – 1957 )

                                      Elizabeth KEITH ( 1887 – 1956 )
                                      Imao KEINEN ( 1845 – 1924 )

                                      Yashima GAKUTEI ( 1786 – 1868 )
                                      Ogata GEKKO ( 1859 – 1920 )
                                      Adachi GINKO ( Fl. c. 1847 – 1897 )
                                      Matsumura GOSHUN ( 1752 – 1811 )
                                      GYOSAI. See Kawanabe KYOSAI

                                      Hirano HAKUHO ( 1879 – 1957 )
                                      Suzuki HARUNOBU ( 1724 – 1770 )
                                      Kawase HASUI ( 1883 – 1957 )
                                      Kitagawa HIDEMARO ( Fl. c. early 19th century )
                                      Kinoshita HIRONOBU ( Fl. c. 1851 – 1870 )
                                      Gosotei HIROSADA ( Fl. c. 1847 – 1863 )
                                      Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE ( 1797 – 1858 )
                                      Ichiryusai HIROSHIGE II ( 1826 – 1869 )
                                      Ando HIROSHIGE III ( 1843 – 1894 )
                                      Nakamura HOCHU ( Fl. c. late 18th to early 19th century )
                                      Sakai HOITSU ( 1761 – 1828 )
                                      Totoya HOKKEI ( 1780 – 1850 )
                                      Teisai HOKUBA ( 1771 – 1844 )
                                      Shunkosai HOKUEI (Active 1824-1837)
                                      Katsushika HOKUGA ( Fl. c. 1830 )
                                      Shotei HOKUJU ( Fl. c. 1789 – 1818 )
                                      Katsushika HOKUSAI ( 1760 – 1849 ). Also used numerous other names such as: SORI, SHUNRO, SHINSAI
                                      Shokosai HOKUSHU ( Fl. c. 1808 – 1832 )

                                      KEISAI. See Kitao MASAYOSHI
                                      Suzuki KIITSU ( 1796 – 1858 )
                                      Kitagawa KIKUMARO ( Fl. c. ? – 1830 ). See TSUKIMARO
                                      Kobayashi KIYOCHIKA ( 1847 – 1915 )
                                      Torii KIYOHIRO ( Fl. c. 1737 – 1771 )
                                      Torii KIYOMASA ( Fl. c. 1700 – 1722 )
                                      KIYOMINE. See Torii KIYOMITSU II
                                      Torii KIYOMITSU ( 1735 – 1785 )
                                      Torii KIYOMITSU II ( 1787 – 1868 ). See KIYOMINE
                                      Torii KIYONAGA ( 1752 – 1815 )
                                      Torii KIYONOBU ( 1664 – 1729 )
                                      Torii KIYONOBU II ( 1706 – 1763 )
                                      Torii KIYOTSUNE ( Fl. c. 1757 – 1779 )
                                      Isoda KORYUSAI ( Fl. c. 1767 – 1788 )
                                      Ohara KOSON ( 1877 – 1945 ). See SHOSON
                                      Torii KOTONDO ( 1900 – 1976 )
                                      Toyohara KUNICHIKA ( 1835 – 1900 )
                                      Utagawa KUNIHIRO ( Fl. c. 1815 – 1843 )
                                      Ichiunsai KUNIHISA ( 1832 – 1891 )
                                      Utagawa KUNINAO ( 1793 – 1854 )
                                      Utagawa KUNISADA ( 1786 – 1865 )
                                      Utagawa KUNISADA II ( 1823 – 1880 )
                                      Utagawa KUNISATO ( ? – 1858 )
                                      Utagawa KUNITERU ( 1808 – 1876 )
                                      KUNITERU. See Utagawa SADASHIGE
                                      Utagawa KUNITERU II ( 1829 – 1874 )
                                      Utagawa KUNIYASU ( 1794 – 1832 )
                                      Ichiyusai KUNIYOSHI ( 1797 – 1861 )
                                      Santo KYODEN. See Kitao MASANOBU
                                      Kawanabe KYOSAI ( 1831 – 1889 ). See GYOSAI

                                      Okumura MASANOBU ( 1686 – 1764 )
                                      KitaoMASANOBU ( 1761 – 1816 ). See Santo KYODEN
                                      Kitao MASAYOSHI ( 1764 – 1824 ). See KEISAI
                                      Oishi MATORA ( 1794 – 1833 )
                                      Hishikawa MORONOBU ( Fl. c. 1618 – 1694 )

                                      Nishimura NANTEI ( 1775 – 1834 )
                                      Utagawa NOBUKATSU ( Fl. c. 1830 – 1844 )
                                      Watanabe NOBUKAZU ( Fl. c. late 19th century )

                                      Hishikawa RYUKOKU ( Fl. c. 1808 – 1816 )
                                      Jokei RYUKOSAI ( Fl. 1772 – 1816 )

                                      Gokitei SADAFUSA ( Fl. c. 1825 – 1850 )
                                      Hasegawa SADAHARU ( Fl. c. 1830 – 1844 )
                                      Gokotei SADAKAGE ( Fl. c. 1818 – 1844 )
                                      Utagawa SADAHIDE ( 1807 – 1873 )
                                      Hasegawa SADANOBU ( 1809 – 1879 )
                                      Utagawa SADASHIGE ( Fl. c. mid 19th century ). See KUNITERU
                                      Gofutei SADATORA ( Fl. c. 1825 )
                                      Yamaguchi SHIGEHARU ( 1803 – 1853 )
                                      Kitao SHIGEMASA ( 1739 – 1820 )
                                      Nishimura SHIGENAGA ( 1697 ? – 1756 )
                                      Nishimura SHIGENOBU ( Fl. c. 1724 – 1735 )
                                      SHIKO. See Eishosai CHOKI
                                      Ryuryukyo SHINSAI ( 1764 – 1820 )
                                      Ito SHINSUI ( 1898 – 1972 )
                                      Kojima SHOGETSU ( Fl. c. 1880 – 1890 )
                                      SHOSON. See Ohara KOSON
                                      Takahashi SHOTEI ( 1871 – 1945 )
                                      Yamamoto SHOUN ( 1870 – 1965 )
                                      Yamakawa SHUHO ( 1898 – 1944 )
                                      Katsukawa SHUNCHO ( Fl. c. 1780 – 1795 )
                                      Takehara SHUNCHOSAI ( Fl. c. 1772 – 1801 )
                                      Katsukawa SHUN’EI ( 1762 – 1819 )
                                      Katsukawa SHUNKO ( 1743 – 1812 )
                                      Hishikawa SHUNKYO ( Fl. c. early 19th century )
                                      Kubo SHUNMAN ( 1757 – 1820 )
                                      Katsukawa SHUNSEN ( Fl. c. 1762 – 1830 )
                                      Natori SHUNSEN ( 1886 – 1960 )
                                      Gatoken SHUNSHI ( Fl. c. 1820 – 1828 )
                                      Katsukawa SHUNSHO ( 1726 – 1792 )
                                      Katsukawa SHUNTEI ( 1770 – 1820 )
                                      Katsukawa SHUNZAN ( Fl. c. 1782 – 1798 )
                                      Yamaguchi SOKEN ( 1759 – 1834 )

                                      Ikeno TAIGA ( 1723 – 1776 )
                                      Katsukawa TERUSHIGE ( Fl. c. 1715 – 1725 )
                                      Mori TETSUZAN (1775-1841)
                                      Migita TOSHIHIDE ( 1863 – 1925 )
                                      Mizuno TOSHIKATA ( 1866 – 1908 )
                                      Okumura TOSHINOBU ( Fl. c. 1717 – 1750 )
                                      Utagawa TOYOHARU ( 1735 – 1814 )
                                      Utagawa TOYOHIRO ( 1773 – 1828 )
                                      Utagawa TOYOKUNI ( 1769 – 1825 )
                                      Utagawa TOYOKUNI II ( 1777 – 1835 ). See TOYOSHIGE
                                      Yamamura TOYONARI ( 1885 – 1942 )
                                      Ishikawa TOYONOBU ( 1711 – 1785 )
                                      TOYOSHIGE. See Utagawa TOYOKUNI II
                                      TSUKIMARO. See Kitagawa KIKUMARO
                                      Kitano TSUNETOMI ( 1880 – 1947 )

                                      Toyokawa UMEKUNI ( Fl. c. 1816 – 1826 )
                                      Kitagawa UTAMARO ( 1753 – 1806 )
                                      Kitagawa UTAMARO II ( ? – 1831 )

                                      Inoue YASUJI ( 1864 – 1889 )
                                      Hiroshi YOSHIDA ( 1876 – 1950 )
                                      Ipposai YOSHIFUJI ( 1828 – 1887 )
                                      Utagawa YOSHIIKU ( 1833 – 1904 )
                                      Utagawa YOSHIKATA ( Fl. c. 1841 – 1864 )
                                      Utagawa YOSHIKAZU ( Fl. c. 1850 – 1870 )
                                      Toyokawa YOSHIKUNI ( Fl. c. 1803 – 1840 )
                                      Utagawa YOSHIMUNE ( 1817 – 1880 )
                                      Ichiyosai YOSHITAKI ( 1841 – 1899 )
                                      Utagawa YOSHITORA ( Fl. c. 1850 – 1880 )
                                      Taiso YOSHITOSHI ( 1839 – 1892 )
                                      Utagawa YOSHITSURU ( Fl. c. 1840 – 1850 )
                                      Ichieisai YOSHITSUYA ( 1822 – 1866 )
                                      Mori YOSHIYUKI ( 1835 – 1879 )

                                      Shibata ZESHIN ( 1807 – 1891 )